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Täna on pühapäev, 23.02.2025, kell on 05:20        Ajutiselt on sisselogimine peatatud
. Kasutaja LizzieLike lisatud luuletused .
Leht: 1  

Sweetest enemies

You're a wound on my skin,
You made me lie, you made me sin.
Your finger pointed at me,
you disappointed me,
you ashamed me.
Tell me, what are we?
Are we friends or woes?

Please stop stepping on my toes.
This is the wrong dance,
you blew up your chance.
You clipped my winds,
and played with the strings
of my sanity and nerves.
I think you never cared.

I want to grow a shell,
I want to hide from this hell.
I don't deserve this treating,
so now I'm retreating.
I'm leaving you alone,
you chilled me to the bone.
I'm leaving you undone,
I'm leaving you on the dawn.
Lisas: LizzieLike @ 2011-09-25 Hinne: 4.67

This is how my mother feels...

I'm standing here alone,
not picking up my phone.
I don't want to talk to anyone,
because you'll tear me down.
The wind plays with my hair,
I feel your scent in the air,
and i'm just fading slowly away.
This is my doomsday, today.

You didn't care about me,
don't tell me i can't see
through your lying eyes,
because there're so many ways,
to hurt me again.
There's nothing left to gain.

I'm standing here alone,
wishing you were gone
somewhere else far away,
where i can't see your face.
I know it wouldn't help,
i know, i can tell.
I see you everywhere,
because you weren't there
for me,

'cause i can see
through your lying eyes,
because there're so many ways,
to hurt me again.
There's nothing left to gain

I'm standing here alone,
there's nothing left to be done.
I take the last step on the rooftop,
I still feel like i'm being shot
in the back, in my head, through my heart.
it feels like a poisoning dart.
I'm flying through the air,
wind playing with my hair.

I heard you screaming my name,
but this isn't what i aim,
I want to see you cry for me.
But she's looking at you, isn't she?
You feel a sting of guilt
because of the wall you built
between our worlds.
That's not how you keep your words.

Now i'm falling down,
i see the whole town,
looking shocked and terrified.
I know i'm the sacrifice,
i know you'll forget,
but i know i won't ever do it.
I'm letting my body die,
because i'm dead inside,
and i want to let go of the pain,
i want my blood to rain
down on your face, on your body,
i will be somebody.

Soon i reach the ground,
there's no one left around,
everybody's walking on their road,
with a heart filled with cold.
I thank you, you wanted to mend
my heart, but you just gave up in the end.
I don't blame you, you just were a person,
who could've known that you were my son?
english, mother, son
Lisas: LizzieLike @ 2011-03-21 Hinne: 4.5

Usaldus, õnn.

Olen see, kes olen.
Kutsu mind kelleks tahad,
sest sul aru peas lihtsalt pole.
Miks sa minu sõimamist vajad?

Sa arvad, et oled lahe,
kui sa mind alandad,
kuid tead, sellel pole vahet,
kui sa mu peale viha vallandad.

Ma ei ole õnnetu,
kui sa karjud mu peale,
sest sa oled puhas mõttetus,
ma isegi ei mõtle su peale.

Mul tegevust on olemas paremat,
sest sina oled lihtsalt tühi koht.
Soovin sulle kõike parimat,
aga tean, et see mäng on sohk.

Tunned, et võitjana lahkud,
arvad, et oled minust parem,
arvad, et sinu kandu ma lakun,
kuid nii ei ole praegu, ei olnud ka varem.

Soovin head teed sulle,
pöörad ümber ja sa vaatad mulle silma.
Naeratad külmalt mulle,
ja tunned sügavat vimma.

Ma pöörasin sulle selja,
ma teadsin, mis nüüd tuleb.
Sa lööd mulle noa selga,
ja ootad, et ma valu tunneks.

Kuigi see on valus,
ei hooli ma sellest.
usaldus sinu vastu mul kadus,
see voolas välja mu verest.

Ignoreerin kõike, eelkõige sind,
ei hooli, et mu peale vihastad,
sest tean, et vajad mind,
sest sa mind tappa ihaldad.

Võtan noa seljast välja,
kõnnin edasi oma teed,
sest olen tavaline jalakäija,
ja tean, et õnne kohtan veel.
Lisas: LizzieLike @ 2010-12-24 Hinne: 4.2


Fighting with my mind,
I don't know what to do.
Ignorance and not knowing is kind,
once you wish so, too.
I fight for the knowing, but
I know, that soon I'll fall.
I've ran out of luck,
as I stand here, tall.
And then I know,
I don't have much time left.
I take the last bow,
and jump into the rift.
Lisas: LizzieLike @ 2010-11-25 Hinne: 4.5

My life.

Why do I have to live this way?
Which has my life chosen this path?
I'm getting more insane everyday,
how can't you see that?
How can't you see, what have i done?
I'm standing before you, looking down.
I have nowhere else left to run,
everyday I just wait for the dawn.
I don't want to cry any more,
crying is for the weak and helpless.
my whole body feels so sore
as I lay in the bed, restless.
I don't want to think or move further,
I almost can't feel my hearbeats.
My mind is getting more darker,
as i'm in my room, on my seat.
I'm not lonely, but i'm depressed.
I'm not poor, but i'm not rich.
Everything I've tried has not successed.
And as they say: I'm a total bitch.
Lisas: LizzieLike @ 2010-10-09 Hinne: 4.67

Falling down.

Today, I faced the real truth,
I finally know who You really are.
Words are meaningless, they've disappeared from my mouth,
They said that You never really cared.
Shocked, I stand in the cold rain,
people passing me by, even they cared more than you did.
Fists closed, shaking, hot blood pulsing in my veins,
my anger is growing, from it You feed.
I loved, I trusted, my heart was pounding,
now everything is replaced with emptiness.
I was Your favourite toy, You were the toddler playing.
What's going on with me? It's a total mess.
I fell into a deep black cold hole,
before I fall deeper, please hear my words:
You were the one, who kept me whole,
You were my only one, You were my world.
Please, get me out of this neverending pit,
I'll do anything for You, I'll be Your everything.
But still, You're standing at the edge, not giving a sh*t.
Searching for a hope, which to I could cling,
I haven't got any more time to decide,
whether to wait for You, or expect nothing,
I finally see an escape: ending my life with suicide.
As a white angel, I tear off my wings.
I see it now, I see everything clearly,
I see, the world is just a place for evil,
but now I have no more fear, You see?
In here, You can find only questions and devils.
I reach out the knife, You gave it to me.
I feel the cold steel breaking its way
through my skin and flesh. Oh what a pity.
Tell me, isn't life just a game to play?
armastus, mäng, elu, surm
Lisas: LizzieLike @ 2010-09-05 Hinne: 2.75

Til' death do us apart.

I look into the past, I see only
pain, fake happiness, more pain and misery.
I feel so broken, helpless and lonely,
I wish I could erase all of these memories.
Walking without a direction between
thousands of roads, streets, broadways.
The future of mine just can't be seen.
And I wait the passing of more days.
I stop and take all my might to stare
into the cold dark sky to see the stars.
Do You remember how happy we were?
And all of this, it could've been ours.
You said You loved me but I don't believe You.
You never gave me a sign that You meant it.
But honestly, I really, truly love You so.
I don't care who You are together with.
I don't care if You don't love me.
I don't care if You don't want to se me.
I don't care who You are pretending to be.
I love You no mater what. Can't you see?
F*ck this world, I won't live it through,
I'm standing on the rooftop,
and I hope You will let me go.
Finally I let my body drop.
I'm free, I'm flying, I gaze into the sky,
I see your face, I feel like I'm dreaming.
I see that the height was not too high,
but still, I'm dying, it's what for I've been dreading...
love, death
Lisas: LizzieLike @ 2010-08-26 Hinne: 3.67

The day You left me

That day, when You disappeared from my sight,
everything, which was colourful, went black and white.
My heart, it all of a sudden stopped beating,
the spot, where my heart used to be, is bleeding.

No more can I tell You, I love You.
No more can I hear from You, I love You, too.
You walked away from my life, saying nothing.
Still, it left me lonely, broken and aching.

I promised You, I will give up my life,
if You leave me. It's something against You can't fight.
You didn't believe me, You said I wouldn't dare.
But love, believe me: living without You isn't fair.

Shaking, I raise the blade and whimper.
These would be the last words I whisper.
The last minutes of my meaningless life.
And while I'm bleeding, I'm running out of time.

I hold Your picture, I've held it every night and day.
Now I hold it against my chest and quietly I say:
"You're a thief. You stole my love, heart and life."
Finally, without power to survive, I drop the knife.

My body dropped on the floor, the bloody floor!
What else could've I done if nothing's worth fighting for?
I close my eyes, I shut my soul, now You see:
Loving You was killing me. But I let myself set me free.
mahajätmine, armastus, surm
Lisas: LizzieLike @ 2010-08-24 Hinne: 3.67


Tundmatu rada ootab mind ees,
kuid ootan Sind veel ainult.
Üksluine tühjus valdab mind sees.
Mida küll oodata võib siis vaenult?

Seljataga, tuled Sa tasa,
puudutad sõrmeotstega mu selgroogu.
Ei suuda ma rahuneda maha,
saan sellest juurde vaid hoogu.

Pööran end ümber, et vaadata Su silmi,
kuid vaatad Sa maha, väldid mu pilku.
Tõstan õrnalt Su pead, just nagu filmis
ning äkitselt on kõik mu ümber vilkuv.

Kadunud oli tühjus, kadunud oli lootusetus.
Lähenesin Sulle, üritasin Sind suudelda,
Kuid õhku haihtusid, justkui poleks Sa elus.
Ohkasin ma, mis mul muud öelda.

Õnn tuli ja läks, justkui polekski olnud,
ei eksisteeriks ta, kui ei eksisteeriks Sind.
Mul ükskõik, kui seda hallutsinatsiooni polnud.
Mu arm, ikkagi, igaveseks ma ootama jään Sind.
hallutsinatsioon, armastus
Lisas: LizzieLike @ 2010-08-20 Hinne: 4.33

Noor armastus

Oleme võõrad, kuid tunnen midagi,
midagi, mis meid ühendab.
Olen Su ees, ei suuda öelda ridagi.
Tiksuv kell aega lühendab.

Ei julge vaadata Sind,
Ma ei tea, mida mõtled, tunned.
Hoolid minust või hoopis armastad mind?
Südames valdavad segased tunded.

Lõpuks tunnen Su kätt mu puusal,
vaatan ülesse, näen Su meepruune silmi.
Ma näen sind, Sa oled mu muusa!
Siiski, minutiks surun silmad kinni.

Tunnen Su kuuma hingeõhku oma põsel,
mu juustes rändab ekslevalt Su käsi.
See kõik justkui põhineks armulool tõesel.
Nendest kirjeldamatutest tunnetest ma ei väsi.

Surud mind vastu oma keha,
Sa lähened mu suule.
Sees mul põleb suur iha,
praegu, kohe, maitsta su huuli.

Lõpuks me huuled kohtuvad,
metsikuna, viskan käed ümber Su kaela.
Enam Sinu ees ei kohku ma,
küsimusi küsida ei vaevu.

Seisame üksteise vastas, teistest ei hooli.
Aeg peatus, et puhkust nautida.
Aastaid tahaks seista niimoodi,
lihtsalt seista ja Sind suudelda.

Kuid igal asjal oma piir,
uskumatu, kuid lasime üksteisest lahti.
See oli valurikas piin,
sest pidamajäämiseks polnud mahti.

Võtsid mu käest kinni ja ütlesid,
\"Shall we go?\" ja ma noogutasin vastuseks.
Ma ei tea, mida ma tol hetkel mõtlesin,
kuid kõndides jäin seisma natukeseks.

Vaatasid mind naeratusega ja kallistasid,
oma pea su õlale puhkama panin.
Sind oma narkootikumina tarvitasin,
minust kasu said ja ka mina Sinust sain.

Pastakas jätkab kirjutamist, vaata.
Kuid samas jälgin neid ridu ja mõtlen.
Ma Sind kohe väga armastan, sain seda teada.
Kuid kas ka Sina minust hoolid ja mõtled?

Ohates panen märkmiku käest,
Sinu pildile teen ma musi
ja soovin magamajäädes kõigest väest,
et kogu kirjapandu oleks tõsi.
Lisas: LizzieLike @ 2010-08-20 Hinne: 4.2

Leht: 1  
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