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Täna on kolmapäev, 12.03.2025, kell on 07:15        Ajutiselt on sisselogimine peatatud
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Only ME!

My life starts like that,
coffee, tea, sleep,
wake up, coffee,tea,sleep,
oh i lost eat food.

You need food,
you need family,
you need best friends,
you need man.

You like me,
you like sisters,
you like this life,
you just don't understand me.

Me only me,
again only me,
whatever, only me again,
and again me.

I love me more than others,
I love green, blue is sky, red is your face,
green is in your hand,
cow need this to eat!

I like animals,
animals are cute,
dog is best friend ever,
sorry friends, i don't need you!

Eat green food, then you look great,
if not, then it's not my problem,
go to toilet and hug toilet and say:
You are my best friend ever!
varia, elu, suvi, igatsus
Lisas: Okasroosike @ 2016-03-26 Hinne: -

Strange poem!

I look like black woman,
woman so serious,so strong,
strong hand, to say hello,
hello is start to too make friends.

Friends are part of life,
only good friends survive,
make tea, it's better,

I really need good coffee,
coffee u really taste like coffee,
ups, i like woman with black outfit,
eh, still not like white.

But you know, ups friends, i still like that coffee!!!

varia, elu
Lisas: Okasroosike @ 2016-03-26 Hinne: -


I think here, here is thing i want to too,
thing u may like, or you may no,
I have so strong love, so strong that my love may kill you,
I feel same, don't worry, i hate myself to.

I really, really hate me,
hate me ,because i like still coffee,
what is wrong with me,
i need love doctor.

I want cry, i want kill myself,
don't understand me wrong,
I just to much love,
love may kill you.

Eh whatever he is dead,
lots of love going down,
I still like hug toilets,
they are best thing happen to me, on this life.

Me and toilet, happy ever fking after!
The end good night, hug your fking best love ever!
pilkeluule, igatsus, suvi, sõprus
Lisas: Okasroosike @ 2016-03-26 Hinne: -

Cry poem, let it go, let it go!

Coffee is good,
so are you, you like me,
i love myself to,
hug yourself, kiss others on cheek.

The rest of my life,
I write and thinking about you,
you don't know me,
but you maybe love me.

Sorry if i hurt you,
everybody hug you,
love you like good think on this world,
sorry you are not thing, you are person i like most.

I think still about you,
i like your smile, i like your eyes,
i like you we way you are,
but this thing is mine!

Poem to someone u just say bad to me!
It's so fking hurts me, buy life yourself,
ok sorry hug me strong, and i may hug you back,
we are two, u don't understand, what happen next!
igatsus, sügis, elu
Lisas: Okasroosike @ 2016-03-26 Hinne: -

Coffee is my life!

This is start, start begin here,
poems every there,
you are no there,
i lost you.

I like english,
i like kids, i like food,
better thing in life is coffee,
i lost water, eh whatever.

I loke you, you will like me,
calm down, be good, be strong,
just live your life, eat ice cream,
drink responsibly.

I am happy one,
then is coming cute one,
and the hardest one,
whatever, lost the connection.

English is good,
so are you, learn, read, and me happy,
i make you love me,
love me like ordinary person.
Pilkeluule, elu, pulmad, suvi
Lisas: Okasroosike @ 2016-03-26 Hinne: -

To you ever loved man!

I lost my mind,
you don't understand me,
but i love ice cream,
i like it lot.

I love man u look like, sunshine in his face,
i love silly ones, but maybe i take cute one,
this is only poem, calm down,
take a nap, don't slap.

I like flowers, i hate you,
i hate you more, than you can imagine,
just dream on and i handle it with pain,
pain is strong staff, god help me.

I feel the pain, no need medicine,
but you need it know, now or never,
never hurt others, never tell lies,
just be yourself, like sos, in your ass!

Hey look, you are ok,
but i am better, bite me, and you don't know what happen next,
be good and i show you my finger,
let it be your destiny, hug yourself strong.
Lein, elu, pilkeluule, pulmad
Lisas: Okasroosike @ 2016-03-26 Hinne: -

My sunshine! (Raivo.V.)

You are sunshine,
you are best thing happen to me,
you are mummy sweetest kid ever,
never be sad, always smile.

Your eyes look like candy,
you don't eat candy, you love ice cream,
ice cream make you calm down,
always be calm.

I believe in you,
i understand you,
i trust you, i make you happy,
happiness is the way of life.

Elu, igatsus
Lisas: Okasroosike @ 2016-03-26 Hinne: -

Tryin to poem in english!

I like you, you like me,
you like colors, i like more,
more love, more food,
food is life, eat me!

I love poem, you love me,
you will always love me,
forever and ever,
never say bad things to me.

Lots of love, love of my love,
marry me, bite me, kiss me,
oh really, say love and i bite you,
you will love me forever!

we will be together, you me happiness,
lots of silly things, water, milk, eh whatever,
you never love me, you just play with me,
i really hate me, i want feel the pain,
pain that i write here poems.

Relly you understand me,
you will understand me,
you say you love me,
you say i want hug you but then ...

god help me really,
cold water please,
i need lot's of water,
i'm big flower!

together are happiness to me,
sunglasses are made for look great,
let's be whatever people!
eestiautorid, emajaisa, kevad
Lisas: Okasroosike @ 2016-03-26 Hinne: -

Pisike preili!

Sündis neiu, nimeks temal rosin,
silmad aga sinised nagu taevas,
taevas paistab päike, neiu pisike, särab vingelt,
kui väljas lööb äike.

Neiul silmad suured, nutt tuleb suule,
huuled punased kui veri,
taevas sama sinine kui meri,
neiust kasvab välk, mürts, paukk.

Temast tuleb kena võilille laps,
võilille salatit proovib, seda juurde aga soovib,
tema krips ja kraps vöilille laps,
emme kallis armastus, tädi armastas ka teda.

Säravad tähed taevas, linnud lendavad löuna maale,
tuleb onu mänguasjaga ja neiu karjub, ohtii sibulapoiss,
minge köik kuule, see on vingeim luule,
musi teeks suule, tui unusta ära!

Ups, vara veel rääkida, kasva suureks, hakkad luuletama ja tantsima,
oled hea südamega, armastad teisi, kunagi ei tee haiget,
kui juhtud haiget tegema, vabandad kohe,
vabandad saad kalli ja pai.

Tädid onud armastavad sind, igatsevad, tahavad tarkust jagada,
ehk ka palli mängida, sulgpalli, tennist, mida sinu hing soovib,
soovid saavad olema sinul head, hea mõistus, tarkust aga kuhjaga,
natuke lollusi saad ka teha.

Tere tulemast meie maailma! Väike armas silmatera!
Katsikud, armastus, igatsus, talv, suvi, elu
Lisas: Okasroosike @ 2016-03-26 Hinne: -


Olen naine, olen karm,
minul on üks arm,
sünnitasin lapsi,
lapsed suured.

Armid kaunistuseks,
juuksed lisavad vürtsi,
kingad kannavad kangust,
oleme naised maalt ja hobusega.

Armastame meest palavalt,
mees meid rohkem,
mees tubli tragi hea,
naine pliidi peal, sööki teeb head.

Plaatikooki, piparkooki, veel parem pannkooki,
pannkook on elu, naine ka meeste elu,
mehed vajavad naist, naine vajab meest,
hoiavad ühte, toimetavad koos.

On ausad üksteisele, austavad, armastavad, kallistavad,
magavad üksteise kaisus,
uinuvad magusalt, elavad koos õnnelikult,
õnn on elu alus juurde tuleb aru!
armastus, elu
Lisas: Okasroosike @ 2016-03-26 Hinne: -

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