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Täna on kolmapäev, 12.03.2025, kell on 07:26        Ajutiselt on sisselogimine peatatud
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Ollaan positivisia,
kuntoillaan kunnolla,
kunto tulee oikeen hyvä,
vartalosta tulee super.

Kävellään, juostaan, pyöräillään,
uidaan joskus kesällä,
kesä lämmin,
minä kuuma.

Talvi on kohtaa lopumassa,
minun runot vasta tulossa,
tulossa virheitä, ei oo väliä,
virheistä oppii, miten olisi karkki.

Karkki tekee aktiiviseksi,
miten olisi seksi,
seksiä ei tulee,
mutta halauksia saa.

Mennään naimisiin,
voi vitsi, unohta minut,
minulla taskussa nyrkki,
anteeksi pojat/miehet älkää sekoilkaa.

Kuntoillaan, katsellaan, vielä parempi,
koulussa ollaan kunnolla,
kuntosali tuntuu hyvältä,
porkkana, kuntosali yhtessä!
varia, aastavahetus, sõprus
Lisas: Okasroosike @ 2016-03-25 Hinne: -


Istun kädet kovana,
porkkana kätessä,
ökö elämä, voi vitsi sentään,
seinässä kuvia.

Katseleen ulos,
ulkona aurinko,
aurinko keltainen,
keltainen myös kukka.

Kukat kukkikoon,
miten olisi jos oltais aurinkossa,
aurinko oikeen kuuma,
kuuma paika kuntosali.

Kuntosalissa kuntoillaan,
kunto tule hyvä,
perse vielä parempi,
voi vitsi mikä pimpi.

Pepu söpö,
vartalo ökö,
miten olisi kahvi,
voi olla kakku lisaksi.

Kahvi ja kakku yhtessä,
maistuu oikeen hyvälle,
niin myös tytötkin,
voi vitsi miesten aivot.
varia, armastus.elu
Lisas: Okasroosike @ 2016-03-25 Hinne: -


I scare, you to,
sorry one time sorry two times,
better say 3 times sorry,
don't worry, i'm still alive.

I'm like wood, strong sometime,
mad sometime, but i have good heart,
i may give all to others, but what i most think,
i still scare myself to.

I will be good now, i will be ok soon,
i will be nice to everybody, i still feel strange and mad,
what is wrong with me, i lost something,
something i don't know.

I may trust, i may not, i may feel pain so strong,
i feel i want kill all phones and computers,
i just feel strange, so mad and still so cute,
no pain, no honey.

Freedom only, ok to someone u need freedom,
The end! Good night!
varia, elu, sügis, igatsus
Lisas: Okasroosike @ 2016-03-18 Hinne: -

Eat me!

I see you, you maybe see me,
me like you, you maybe like me,
me so stupid, you are asshole,
together we are stupidass.

I meet you, you look angry,
i smile, you cry, i laugh, you kiss,
we hug, you hit my ass,
ass look like whatever.

I need you, you maybe need me,
you like me, but still you hate me,
i ate because of you, you look like really,
i don't understand you still.

Don't hurt me anymore,
think about me and you feel ok,
think me more and you feel red,
think again and ten you understand me.

I'm so asshole, i'm so cute still,
i'm free, i'm doing it,
I F love you! Hug me and i hug you!
Give love and you get it back.
varia, armastus, söprus, igatsus, katsikud, aastavahetus, sügis.
Lisas: Okasroosike @ 2016-03-18 Hinne: -

To everybody!

Friend is like pain in my ass,
ass look like car, car look like mine,
me is like someone strange to others,
i'm most time feel bad.

I want sleep, i can't sleep,
i want hugs, i only care about me,
of course my sunshine to,
best thing ever happened to me.

what i say i's just my mood sometime,
my bones are in pain, my heart more,
my love run away, i want cry,
don't understand me wrong.

I love someone, someone special,
you don't know u, this is just start to my pain,
i get new feeling, feeling that everybody just playing with me,
love is not game, i'm not game, just be yourself.

You are not asshole, you are not bad,
you are not cute, but you have good heart,
be good, think good, no matter what,
need to kill past, then i was young.
Varia, elu, ema ja isa, lein
Lisas: Okasroosike @ 2016-03-18 Hinne: -


I feel sick, i feel bad,
i don't like hurt others,
i like my brother,
cute and sweet.

Nature is life, writening is best,
best way say, i like you,
you are handsome,
you are nice and strong.

Brothers are best thing our world,
one brother are strong, other is silly,
but you are the best thing in this life,
life look like sunshine.
Elu, igatsus, varia
Lisas: Okasroosike @ 2016-03-18 Hinne: -


You are best,
i'm better, let's get together,
together maybe,
maybe in heaven.

I need something,
something right,
or maybe left,
really so hard to say that.

The best thing to go trough,
hold your hand good place,
place like you like to hold,
hold me, maybe not, i bite.

Sorry your loss,
i like this kind of life,
life like writening and dreaming,
no stress, no people u say bad things.

Dont care if had mistakes here,
here in poem, whatever, i like it still,
i like myself, i like kind people,
i really like my sisters!

Elu, igatsus, armastus
Lisas: Okasroosike @ 2016-03-18 Hinne: -

Feel like you're in heaven!

I meet some friend,
friend look ok,
ok like beer,
friend look better than me.

Me look sky and think,
think the one i still thinking,
why god you to it to me,
why, i really need beer.

Need to fight the love,
love what i don't even exsist,
the bigest love is training,
kill your mood there.

What happened some day,
day that i don't understand,
need to be calm down,
water yourself with cold water.

we will, we can, we doing it,
we stand, we hold, we dance,
we still breathe, we are alive,
sky, sunshine, grass and silliness.

I love freedom, i like be alone,
i like ice cream, i like you,
i may love you, you may love me,
love is so hard and complicated.

Armastus, õnn, varia
Lisas: Okasroosike @ 2016-03-17 Hinne: -

Cute one!

So little, so cute,
look like sunshine,
we need sunshine to get d-vitamin,
beer is to ok, to me not anymore.

I like water, i not remember to drink it,
i still sitting and writening here,
some days are bad mood,
some days are good mood.

Need think strong,
need to be strong,
let the god make us better people,
people to care everybody.

Teddy bears are cute,
so are you, you look like candy,
and i'm like asshole,
need to think positive, love the right one.

Elu, varia, aastavahetus
Lisas: Okasroosike @ 2016-03-17 Hinne: -

Miss somebody u i don't know!

Love is like flower,
flowers are beautiful,
same beautiful are you,
so soft, so hot, so cute like cup cake.

Pain is saying, i want live long,
long where i feel good,
where i belong, green world,
green mind, and water is the best!

Carraots are life, apples are fine,
and best thing is still water,
look in the sky, but hand in your heart,
it really look heaven!

Heart doing pain, we need water,
we need green, we need best things our lives,
no cars, better is walking or running to work or school,
i love nature, i love everything good,
something just hurts,
hurts so much, so much that i want cry!
igatsus, sõprus, pulmad.
Lisas: Okasroosike @ 2016-03-17 Hinne: -

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