Värsked luuletused |
| Jõuluaeg on imede aeg
See kätte varsti jõuab
Jõuluvanal nimekirja ülevaatamine
Palju aega talt nõuab
Lapimaal aga päkapikud ööpäeva ringselt
Kingitusi toodavad
Et jõuluvana need ka kohale toimetaks
Päkapikud tema peale loodavad
Ühe ööga miljonitele lastele
Kingitusi peab kohale viima
Iga kodu kus juba käinud
Laual ootamas küpsised ja klaas piima
Jõulumees korstnast külast külla käib
See teekond nii lõputu näib
Hommikul ärgates kuuse alune
On kingitusi täis
Keegi öösel kolistades
Külas ära käis
Lastel nüüd näod täis on naeru
Jõululaupäeval sööme liha mitte kaeru | jõulud | Lisas: arvo85 @ 2015-12-10 | Hinne: - |
| I´ll be the hero who´ll be fighting for your heart
But tell me that we won´t break apart
I´ll be the man who´ll show you the love so true
All the love in me belongs to you
And I´ll be the hero who´ll be waiting in the rain
Waiting to hold you in my arms again
I´ll be the man who´ll promise love will grow
And I won´t ever let you go
Here´s my declaration of love
Declaration of love to you
Here´s my declaration of love
Of love so true
Here´s my declaration of love
Without you I can´t smile
Here´s my declaration of love
Without you I´ll die
I´ll be the hero who´ll be fighting for your love
But I know that words are not enough
I´ll be the man who´ll know that love is so near
And I´ll promise you I´ll be there
Maybe I´m the man,just a fool for loving you
But I´ll show you what love can do
Maybe I´m the man who says don´t let it go
But you know time will show
| armastus, tunded | Lisas: modernT @ 2015-12-09 | Hinne: - |
| How will I know the truth if your love is a fire
How will I know when you feel the desire
I'm just a fool for you
How will I know the truth if you break us apart
How will I know when we try a new start
What can I do
Tell me what kind of lover boy you want to find
Tell me when will you change your mind
We belong together
Baby,you and me
We belong together
Can't you see
We belong together
Two lovers as one
We belong together
Love of our own
How will I know the truth if you'll make me blue
How will I know when I'm lonely without you
I'll be missing you so
How will I know the truth if you just don't stay
How will I know when our love finds a way
But I can't let it go
Come back to stay with me until the end of time
Come back and say that you'll be mine
_____________________________ | armastus, tunded, õnnetu armastus | Lisas: modernT @ 2015-12-09 | Hinne: - |
| Just tell me now the reason why
Came the time to say goodbye
I love you so
Just tell me now the reason why
You believe that foolish lie
I miss you so
Girl,you know it still hurts me
But I want you so much
Girl,it's not so easy for me
But I miss your touch
Just tonight I'm leaving just forever
Leaving a heartbreak town
Just tonight I'm leaving all together
When the lights go down
Leaving a heartbreak town
I'm alone and blue
Leaving a heartbreak town
What else can I do
Just tell me now the reason why
Why we won't give it a try
I love you so
Just tell me why you fooled me
And where's my destiny
I miss you so
Girl,you mean the world to me
And I want you so much
Girl,it's not so easy to see
But I miss your touch
________________ | armastus, tunded, õnnetu armastus | Lisas: modernT @ 2015-12-09 | Hinne: - |
| In the pale moonlight just tonight you can walk
Under the million stars you can talk
Just like an angel
Under the night sky full of stars you can smile
To the lonely skies above we can fly
You're my angel
Stay with me,just stay with me tonight
I'm your friend,I'm your lover
Stay with me,just stay side by side
There'll be no other
It takes two lovers to be as one
It takes two lovers to be as one
Just me and you
It takes two lovers to be as one
It takes two lovers to be as one
To become true
Under the moon of love I love the way you smile
With a bit of love you drive me wild
Just like an angel
When stars come out I see the love in your eyes
And I'm captured and so mesmerized
You're my angel
Stay with me,just stay with me tonight
If I promise you it's forever
Stay with me,just stay side by side
We'll stay together
____________________ | armastus, tunded | Lisas: modernT @ 2015-12-09 | Hinne: - |
| Love needs no reason to be in love,it's so true
You know love keeps your heart strong
Love needs no reason to be in love,me and you
You know love keeps you always young
And you know if you leave I'll be alone again
Promise me that it won't ever end
Nobody could love me better than you
Girl,I know it
Nobody could love you more than I do
You know it
No other man could love you more
You know it
I'm the man you're looking for
You know it
Love needs no reason when your love is so true
You know our love is not blind to see
Love needs no reason that I'm in love with you
You know you mean everything to me
And you know if you leave I'll be a lonely man
But let's make sweet love again
___________________________ | armastus, tunded | Lisas: modernT @ 2015-12-09 | Hinne: - |
| Lund muudkui sajab ja sajab,
varsti lume alla kattunud on majad.
Tunda on jõuluhõnge,
mis muudab rahulikuks tunded.
Tuppa kamin sooja toob,
samal ajal kui vanaema soojaid sokke koob.
Jõuludel tähtsaks osaks on jõulukuusk
mis on ära ehitud pere poolt.
Ära unustatud pole ka jõulu toit,
millel hindamatu tähtsus.
Kapsas, kartul ja verivorsti
see ongi ehtne eesti söök.
Kingitused ootavad kõiki,
et saaks teha ühe kõrval lõike
ja lugeda ette luuleridu
millele järgneb mõnus pidu.
| Kuusk, söök, rahu | Lisas: Neleh @ 2015-12-07 | Hinne: - |
| kevad on tore asi,
mulle meeldib kevad
seal on palju lilli
yeeee!!!!!!! | kevad | Lisas: kellykas @ 2015-12-07 | Hinne: 5 |
Sõbrus on parim asi mis sa elus kogeta
saad täna ma sain kogeta
et sõbrus on põhimõtteliselt
elu kogemus. | kelly | Lisas: kellykas @ 2015-12-06 | Hinne: 2 | | | | | | |