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Täna on reede, 14.03.2025, kell on 19:36        Ajutiselt on sisselogimine peatatud
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« Eelmine  Leht: 1  2  3  ...   16  17  18  19  20  21  22  23  24  ...   56  57  58   Järgmine »

When Our Love Was Gone

Don´t play games with me,that´s the way you´re hurting my lonely soul
Seven days,seven nights without you,I think I´m losing control
Under the blue blue sky I´m waiting for you,but you leave me so alone
Sometimes I feel that without you I can´t make it on my own
Should I listen to my heart to see what´s it telling me
But it tells me that it all ends

And one day when our love was gone
And I was feeling so alone
And one day when our love was gone
Made my heart a stone

I realized when our love was gone
I realized when our love was gone
And you´re not here with me
I realized when our love was gone
I realized when our love was gone
Losing my eternity

Don´t play your heartbreak game with me and don´t play with our love
You can run but you can´t hide when feelings are just enough
Anyway call me and I´ll be there for you cause you´re the one for me
But you gave my lonely heart away,you were so blind to see
You know I would die for you,believe my heart is true
Until the very end
tunded, armastus, õnnetu armastus
Lisas: modernT @ 2013-10-14 Hinne: -

I Want To Be With You Forever And A Day

Do you ever dream of me when you sleep in your bed alone
Do you count the stars in the night sky till the dawn
Will you wait for me under the moon and the stars at night
Will you be here in my arms till the morning light
But the times are changing through every high and low
But I won´t forget the times I had with you
Come back into my arms

Call me and tell me that you will come back and stay
Call me and tell me that you will come back and stay
I want to be with you forever and a day

Call me and tell me that you will come back and stay
Call me and tell me that you will come back and stay
I want to be with you forever and a day

Do you ever think of me when you cry all on your own
Do you count all these years from that day on
Will you ever believe our love was not one night affair
Will you believe it´s true that I did care
But the times are changing through every high and low
But I won´t forget the times I had with you
Come back into my arms
tunded, armastus, õnnetu armastus
Lisas: modernT @ 2013-08-20 Hinne: -

Soul Survivor

Baby blue,why do you keep hurting me
See the tears of love in my eyes
Why do you stay if leaving me is easy
You won´t say goodbye
We were nighttime fools back then
And I thought we had it all
But where is the love,you pretend
And you won´t call

Back then you were my soul survivor
And we were burning in desire
It´s too late for a new try

Back then you were my soul survivor
Our love was like a burning fire
In our hearts under the sky

I´m so sure that nothing hurts forever
Better stop your lipstick lies
We won´t spend the nights together
It´s all over,don´t try
Tell me was it love or just a game
Because of you I´m lonely
Surely I won´t ever be the same
You were my olny
tunded, armastus, õnnetu armastus
Lisas: modernT @ 2013-07-20 Hinne: 2

Something Must Change

Maybe my heart is made of stone,I don´t care what you feel
But I don´t know what about me is real
Anyway it´s not too late for a try,I don´t wanna let it fade
But I remember all the lies you made
I´m the biggest fool,so it seems,I think I lost my mind
I know now love is so hard to find
Dreams go on but my love can build a bridge for you
My heart is beating for you,it´s true

Don´t break my heart tonight
If you want me by your side

Something must change about our two hearts
Something must change about our love

Maybe I´m the king of fools and love takes some time
For you I´m losing the heart of mine
I cried some tears when we said goodbye that day
But love was just a heartbeat away
Try my heart like you did before,it´ll be the same
This time I´ll feel your love again
Anyway there´s a way you can win back my love
But please don´t play it tough
tunded, armastus, õnnetu armastus
Lisas: modernT @ 2013-07-20 Hinne: -

Just Another Day

In this heartbreak city you broke the ways of our love
But there´s no mountain that´s high enough
When love is all
Some dreams are made for you and me,girl it´s true
If you really know what your love can do
It starts to fall
Can´t you see I´m walking through a fire
We can make it if we try
Can´t you see I´m burning with desire
You´re the reason why
In the shadows of the night

Just another day I´m missing you again
I´m alone where the rainbow ends

These lonely days without you seem to last forever
So it seems when we cannot be together
Let´s build a better world for us

Maybe I´m just a dreamer and you will pull the strings
But you´re not here when the night closes in
I´ll be the losing guy
Didn´t I tell you before my heart is in your hands
Someday we´ll meet in the dreamland
I´ll show you why
Can´t you see I´m walking through a fire
We can make it if we try
Can´t you see I´m burning with desire
You´re the reason why
In the shadows of the night
tunded, armastus, õnnetu armastus
Lisas: modernT @ 2013-07-20 Hinne: -

Su ette...

Su ette murdsin tykke oma sydamest...
Su ette hinge laiali laotasin...
Tahtsin kogeda armastust-suurt ja igavest...
Vist osa oma m6istusest kaotasin?!

Kuid kinniste uste vastu p6rkusin,
ning ei leidnud lootust kuskilt eest....
Seepärast end avamast t6rkusin,
mul valu miski ei ravinud seest...
Lisas: lovesymbol @ 2013-05-14 Hinne: 5

Ma tahaksin...

Ma tahaks karjuda!
Üle terve maailma.
Ma tahaks nii väga midagi teha,
et see valu mu seest kaoks.
Sina,kes Sa purustasid minu sees kõik ilusa,
ole Sa surmatunnini neetud!
Ma vihkan Sind ja Sinu egoismi,
sest valisid just Mind tervest maailmast,
kellega oma lõbuks mängida.
Minu südame sa lõhkusid ära,
aga ma ei nuta selle pärast.
Mul on kahju sinu südamest,
ega seegi terveks igavesti jää...
Viha, pettumus, valu
Lisas: lovesymbol @ 2013-05-14 Hinne: 5

Will I Ever Get Over You

Girl,it´s raining in my broken heart just every day
Cause you left me here and walked away
I´m just still remembering all the times we had
Now I´m so lonely and so sad
Every day and night I´m thinking about you
I realize now I´m the biggest fool
Don´t know why did I let you break us apart
Now there´s a hole in my heart

Will I ever get over you
Will I ever get over you
It seems not

Will I ever get over you
Will I ever get over you
It seems not

Girl,I´m crying out the heart of mine in the rain
Just nothing but heartache and pain
But I thought the chance with you will come
By now I´m so blue and alone
I´m missing you so,come back and stay with me
Can´t you see you´re my destiny
Don´t know why I let you break my heart
But I´m fighting for a new start
tunded, armastus, õnnetu armastus
Lisas: modernT @ 2013-05-14 Hinne: -

Vale samm

Sa olid kui päike mu igavas päevas,
sa olid kui vikerkaar mu helesinises taevas.
Piisas vaid sellest kui sind korraks nägin
ja juba mu südames tahtmatu särin!
Veel veidi, veidi aega tagasi,
olid mu jaoks kui paradiis!!
Ühel hetkel sa vale sammu astusid,
kui mulle jõhkralt näkku valetasid!
Kas sa üldse tead kui valus on see piin?
Ma kujutan ette, et seda ei võtaks isegi viin.
Ma võin ju olla õnnelik ja särav,
kui tea, et tegelikult lõhkusid mu ära!
Vaevalt sa sellest kunagi mõelnudki oled,
kui palju ma SINU pärast kannatanud olen!
Kõige lihtsam, ma rahulikult unustan su ära,
siis ehk ei kao mu silmist ka see sära!:)
Lisas: ennublondu @ 2013-05-09 Hinne: -

Kurb mahajätt!

Sa tunned ta lähedust,
Sa tunned ta suudlust.
Tunned ta armastust,
Nii hella, ja truudust.

Ta räägib sulle kõigest,
Kurdab oma mured.
Sa mõtled tast, kui õigest,
Ja juba ta su juurde tuleb.

Seda tunnet ma tundsin,
Hea see oli.
Oma südame sul’ andsin,
Kuid võtsid seda kui koli.

Ei möödunud päeva,
Kui ütlesid mulle:
„Kingin sulle taeva
Ja kuulud vaid mulle!“

Need kolm sõna
„Ma armastan sind!“
Olid kui ilus kõla
Ja jalge alt kadus pind.

Ma tean, et tegin halba,
Tehes haiget sulle.
Seda valu raske kanda,
Loodan, et andestad mulle.

Möödusid nädalad
Ja juba sa olid.
Teise tüdruku väravas,
Kas või hommikuni.

Kus kadus see armastus,
Mida minu vastu tundsid?
Kas oligi see teesklus,
või miski, mis sind selleks sundis.

Kas sa ise ka tead
Kui haiget tegid mulle.
Nüüd südames seda kandma pead,
Tunnista, sa ju poleks hüpanud mu eest tulle.

Ma veel tulin su juurde,
Öeldes pisarais sulle,
Et tahan tagasi su juurde
Ja, et kuulud vaid mulle.

Ukse mu ees kinni lõid,
Ja vihaselt ütlesid,
Et halba vaid sulle tõin,
ja elu sul ära rikkusin.

Nüüd on siis hetk,
Mil nutan taga.
Seda imelist retke,
Mis mul selja taga.

Igatsema jäin,
Neid kõnesid pikki.
Nüüd üksinda ma käin
Ja mõtlen neist tihti.

Miks see sai läbi?
Ütle nüüd mul.
Samas, mul on räigelt häbi,
Et haiget tegin sul.

Ma olin nii õnnelik
Nii hea ja hell.
Mis, sest, et ta oli nõemdik,
Halb ja mõtetu sell.

Aga see õnn ongi see,
Mida südamest igatsen.
Ja loodan, et varsti tuleb tee,
Millel kõndimist ma ei kahetse.
armastus, pisarad
Lisas: ennublondu @ 2013-05-09 Hinne: -

« Eelmine  Leht: 1  2  3  ...   16  17  18  19  20  21  22  23  24  ...   56  57  58   Järgmine »
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