Parimad luuletused |
| Käin radadel, kus käivad võõrad näod.
Käin kohtades, kus puudub siirus.
Käin igavusest.Seal, kus mõni kaob.
Käin omaette. Laotan siirusviirust. | elu | Lisas: ja3nna @ 2011-12-28 | Hinne: 5 |
| Talvel tihane sööb pekki
Aednik-pede pügab hekki,
Jõuluvana korstnas kinni
Tatid mängivad 5-te minni
Artur Kravets paneb peeru
Kui ta saab noaga neeru,
Mina mängin GTA´d
Iraagis sitta täis on maad
Õues väike sitt lööb pilli
Jumal taevas sügab tilli,
Parte söödab vanamutt,
Omal püksis räige tutt,
Jumal taevas persse kukkund,
Oma pasa sisse uppund,
Pea ta ajab sitapotti,
Öösel kepib karu-otti
Vahepeal siis sügab kotte
Peale seda nikub rotte
Kondosse ta ei kasuta
Sest niimoodi saab tasuta
Jõuluvana tuleb juba,
Kuid mul kusine on tuba,
See on minu jõulurõõm
Kuid parem oleks õlle sõõm | GTa | Lisas: eku @ 2011-12-28 | Hinne: 5 |
| You said the words of love that night when I saw the fire in your tender eyes
We watched the blue moon and the stars above in the night skies
Girl,love was truely here when the shadows of the night were closing in
Just like the moment you caught me,we were skin to skin
Why you gave it up,my lady,why you gave up on my love
Now you're alone again with your lonely heart
Life goes on though I still miss you
I told you I was made to love you
But you said goodbye that day
Life goes on,but why did I let you go
You were my heart and my soul
A little bit of heaven I saw in your tender eyes by the blue river that lonely day
But you read a sad love letter full of tears when you came my way
Almost all your dreams came true,but your love faded away with your tears
You were lost in the dark though I shared all your fears
Why you gave it up,my lady,why you gave up on my love
Now you're alone again with your lonely heart
| tunded, armastus | Lisas: modernT @ 2011-12-30 | Hinne: 5 |
| It was a Wednesday night when my heart was feeling lonely and blue
That was the night when I was going through the motions with you
Can´t forget the times when we were dancing cheek to cheek
It was a Saturday night,such a lonely night with my heartbeat so true
I´ll never find a girl like you,will I ever find someone caring as you
Can´t forget the times when you made my heart feel so weak
Come take my hand and I will lead you through the dark of the night
Come take my heart again and then love feels alright
We're dancing to our dreams
Love me with all your heart then you know how love heals
Love me with all your heart then you know how love feels
Day in day out I love you so
Day in day out I miss you so
Come hold me tight with your fantasy
And feel eternity
It was just a Friday night when the blue moon was made for the lonely
I don´t know why did I let you go when you were my one and olny
Can´t forget the times when we were dancing cheek to cheek
It was a Sunday evening when I was feeling sadness in my heart again
Something got a hold on my heart,don´t tell me our love story ends
Can´t forget the times when my heart couldn´t speak
Come take my hand and I´ll tell you don´t let the blues get you down
Come take my heart again and I´ll be there in this heartbeat town
We're dancing to our dreams
____________________________ | tunded, armastus | Lisas: modernT @ 2011-12-31 | Hinne: 5 |
| Lõpuks ma rebin su oma südamest,
see teeb põrgupiina,
just nagu jäine vesi või tulikuum leek.
Sind eemalt vaadanud vaid olen ja
salaja armastanud.
Valu on kirjeldamatu, just nagu minu tunded, seepärast
teeksin ma seda iga-kell uuesti.
Armstaksin sind salaja !
| armastus, valu, tunded | Lisas: mool @ 2012-01-04 | Hinne: 5 |
MITTE IIAL PIIRE RAJAN | õrn, piiritus, armas, armastus, mina, olen | Lisas: tigmar @ 2012-01-07 | Hinne: 5 |
| ma armastan sind .
kuigi ma pole sind kunagi näinud
aga armastan ikkagi sind
armastan nii palju.
et sinu nimel olen valmis surema
ja sulle annma oma elu .
et sina saaksid olla õnnelik
ja leida omale armastusse
kes sinust hoolib
kes armastab sind .
kes ei valeta sulle
kes armastab sind sellisena nagu sa oled.
| armastus. | Lisas: @ 2012-01-17 | Hinne: 5 |
| Girl you break my heart into pieces over and over again
But I rather cry my tears in the shadow of the night
Though I gave you my heart,someday you´ll understand
Looking through the rainbow of tears tonight
Yes, I know that you don't believe in diamonds at all
And it seems you don't believe in love and me
Love is where my heart is,when loneliness will call
But I don´t set your heart free
Oh, you stole my heart,girl give it back to me
Nothing but loneliness and I just can't see
This heart of mine is weak for you,love is just a heartbeat away
This heart of mine is crying for you stronger every day
This heart of mine is blue,you are the owner of my heart
This heart of mine is true but you tear me apart
You can lead me through the darkness,through the shadow
Why you end our love this way under the blue skies
Tears painted me a face of loneliness all those years ago
I hate that you are telling me your lipstick lies
In the lights of old cafe you made my heartbeat faster
You made up my heartbeat I was losing control
But I saw it back then you were flirting with disaster
But you were a fire in my heart and in my soul
Oh, you stole my heart,girl give it back to me
Nothing but tears and I just can't see
______________________________________ | tunded, armastus | Lisas: modernT @ 2012-01-01 | Hinne: 5 |
| Girl,don´t you know that's not the way to say goodbye
Sometimes I'm too proud to beg,too proud to cry
Don't ever let me go then the time will show
Be careful with my heart,but my heart is weak for you
Love will always find a way to a heartbeat so true
One day you will be mine till the end of time
You are so amazing,you are so amazing to me
You're my heart,you´re my soul
You are so amazing,you´re still a mystery
With you I wanna lose control
Take me tight into your arms
Capture me with your charms
You are so wonderful to me
You oversaw the heartache in a crazy twilight world
I told you twice God made me to love you girl
My world is blue,but I think about you
Today I´m writing many love letters in the sand
This broken heart of mine you can mend
One day you'll be mine,till the end of time
____________________________________ | tunded, armastus | Lisas: modernT @ 2012-01-01 | Hinne: 5 |
| Thoughts are drifting me back home but my feelings are not there
Can't you see my heart is bleeding just for you
Will I ever find a girl like you who will show me how to care
No doubt about it,my heart is missing you
Girl,believe we can have love so strong if you see my love is real
I'll love you forever - nothing's gonna change the way I feel
Heaven can wait but I can´t wait for you till the end of time
Heaven can wait and love can be a friend of mine
Show me the way,the way to your heart
Heaven can wait but I can´t wait for you till the end of time
Heaven can wait and love can be a friend of mine
Maybe I'm truely a dreamer when I´m watching the evening skies
And maybe there's a little child deep inside my heart
Maybe I´m truely a fool for you when I believed all your lies
Believe me I can´t stand the thought of being apart
Girl,believe when I say my love is true,call me I´ll be your man
Remember the times we had,I won´t let you go again
_______________ | tunded, armastus | Lisas: modernT @ 2012-01-09 | Hinne: 5 |
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