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Täna on esmaspäev, 10.03.2025, kell on 19:13        Ajutiselt on sisselogimine peatatud
. Kasutaja Naisemusi lisatud luuletused .
Leht: 1  

The Big question...

Thinking about you,
you thinking about me,
me in heaven,
you eh whatever.

We want good,
or maybe food,
food look green,
your face are to green.

Green life are best,
best for you is ice cream,
ice cream cold,
put i am hot schocolate.

Kiss me and i bite,
hug me and i scream,
you shout i run,
you run i hit with ice cream.

Ice cream is life,
you are nothing,
me i am the best thing,
thing called gray elephant.

You are angry eyes,
i am beautiful as sunshine in your ass,
ass look like candy,
i have "better" one.

Still hate you so much,
so much that you cant imagine,
take your hat and mirror,
i hate youuuuu
Jõulud aastavahetus elu s
Lisas: Naisemusi @ 2016-07-17 Hinne: -

You are friend, i am to,
what is wrong with you,
you sit, i drink, you smile, i think,
i talk, you talk.

Friends visit you 1 time in year,
friends drink coffee, or maybe wattther,
whater is life, coffee is help,
me need help, you need new life.

you understand me, you listen me,
you hug me, you eat with me,
you say sorry, you cry,
i cry, we hug, we will hate to.

ok we eat, we sleep, we whatever,
we will not care, we care good people only,
only youuuu.....onlyyy youuuu....uhuuu..
make me feel so you!

Lisas: Naisemusi @ 2016-07-10 Hinne: -

Hate you, but still, care about you!

Missing you, hate myself,
i scare, you don't, i love,
you think, i think, you take coffee,
coffee is best thing to save our mornings.

Morning cry, your hair are to,
so are mine, me like you still,
like you like best friend in this world,
world so green, mind so red.

Blue is cooling down, black just make you look hot,
hot shocolate maybe, or baby,
1 cake, 1 life, 1 finger,
no it's singer, or dancer.

We dance we cry we will sing a song,
song lost connection, we make acction,
acction is every there,
we going no there.

Like you, lick your face,
hate you, kiss you,
missing you, sorry angry life,
and angry mind, i don't care.

ps: i care that much as you, so, strong hugs, we will see! in 10 years!
(ok that was joke)
igatsus, varia, aastavahetus
Lisas: Naisemusi @ 2016-07-10 Hinne: -

My new life!

My life, my pain, my finger,
or maybe leg, still it will be head,
head thinking, my hands writening,
you siting and thinking.

Thinking what to too,
too or not to too,
yes 1 year you think,
other year you just show finger.

Lost the connection,
oh so big error,
sorry i just lied,
don't kill me i'm just poeming.

New life starts,
you help, i hug and kiss,
you miss and cry,
don't worry, be happy.

ps: flying kisses to you!
jõulud, aastavahetus, elu, igatsus.
Lisas: Naisemusi @ 2016-07-10 Hinne: -

Thinking about someone...

Me siting here, thinking strong,
drinking coffee, or maybe no,
no baby, no don't to it,
relax, just take it.

My heart says ai,
my mind says friends,
my soul says still coffee,
my body find the place.

Poem so strong,
life so boring,
me thinking you,
you just smile at me.

Hate you, love you,
hate you, love you,
still thinking i may love you,
love you so strong and forever.

Forever we hug,
forever we kiss,
forever we will miss,
forever we will be crazy ones.

Love don't care,
love help, love think,
love is so big error,
error is my mind.

Still thinking and dreaming,
dreaming better life, better health,
ai my bones, ai my mind,
ai forever or maybe not.

Varia, igatsus, suvi, talv
Lisas: Naisemusi @ 2016-07-10 Hinne: -

Leht: 1  
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