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Täna on laupäev, 22.02.2025, kell on 13:22        Ajutiselt on sisselogimine peatatud
. Kasutaja Kiisu-Miisu1995 lisatud luuletused .
Leht: 1  2   Järgmine »


His face, so white, so hard almost like a statue.
Almost like if one sudden movement dared to touch him,
it would shatter into a thousand pieces.

And his eyes, so gold, so black though still slightly calming.
They were looking right in my direction.

His arms wrapped gracefully around my waist,
as I began to feel the ice raising up my spine.

I looked up so I could see those magnificent eyes
realizing that they were bending down toward mine.
Suddenly I felt his rich, plump lips gently brush against my cheek.

Just then I realized that my fear had been gone.
Coming close to death three times truly changed my soul.

Edward isn't just perfect,
nor is he human.
He is and always shall be...
My Vampire!
Lisas: Kiisu-Miisu1995 @ 2011-05-06 Hinne: 1

Smiling eyes
Swiftly sensing how
With each seductive glance
They are devouring my soul
Every bit of all that I am
All I know myself to be
Walls made dense through time
Are now brought down
So effortlessly
Damning all uncertainties
Swallowing prejudices whole
A new world built for them to see

Confident eyes
Teasing with a conscious stare
Fracturing my crystalline facade
Erecting a bridge to
That Mona Lisa smile and those irrational lips
As I stand naked in his cloudless sky
His look embracing me steadily
Slow to breath
Slow to speak
Without words to mark this moment
Without sensibility

Earnest eyes
Pleading with mine to leave
Yet eagerly grasping
For a natural response from mine
Relentlessly pursuing
My every raw unflinching move
For some undeniable pleasure of certainty
My sole objective
To deny the satisfaction they seek
Is lost in the midst of his obsession
Lucidity now fleeting
Myself and all I know myself to be
Grows painfully distant
Timidly I surrender to these
Faultless eyes
Ever more consenting to their flawed view of me
Lisas: Kiisu-Miisu1995 @ 2011-05-06 Hinne: 2.5


Oh wondrous as the twilight\'s dusk
His hands, still neither coarse nor brusque
Caress his lover\'s furrowed brow
And speak, with honeyed prose, a vow:
\"My Isobel, with beating heart so sweet,
We find our nuptials at long last, complete.\"

Said Isobel, a child of Vesta:
\" And how long must I be sequestered?
With virtuous devotion, long abiding
Have I waited for this union\'s guiding.
Now thine ring is on my finger
How much longer shall we linger?\"

Sir Edward spoke, with irritation:
\"Speak no more of our consummation.
Thou bargains with her own death giver
On your request, I shall deliver.\"
Sweet Isobel\'s eclipsed compliance
Thus coronated her alliance.

With breaking dawn and glistening dew
Awakens she, refreshed anew.
\"O foolish child,\" his voice strained not,
\"Look what your arrogance hath wrought.\"
And so, the bruised and broken lamb, lain bare
Was safe within her lion\'s snare.
Lisas: Kiisu-Miisu1995 @ 2011-05-06 Hinne: 1.5

A Special World

A special world for you and me
A special bond one cannot see
It wraps us up in its cocoon
And holds us fiercely in its womb.

Its fingers spread like fine spun gold
Gently nestling us to the fold
Like silken thread it holds us fast
Bonds like this are meant to last.

And though at times a thread may break
A new one forms in its wake
To bind us closer and keep us strong
In a special world, where we belong.
world, time, love
Lisas: Kiisu-Miisu1995 @ 2011-05-06 Hinne: 2


Aeg möödub.
Isegi siis, kui see näib võimatu.
Isegi siis, kui iga sekundiosuti samm teeb haiget nagu tuikuv haav.
Aeg möödub ebaühtlaselt, jääb vahetevahel venima ja viivlema, aga siiski möödub.
Isegi minu jaoks.
Lisas: Kiisu-Miisu1995 @ 2011-02-16 Hinne: 4.33

Oh my love

That day when you said: good bye my lover..
that hurtful word was killing me inside..
Oh my love.......I'm in tears days and nights..
Oh my love.......I'm living a creepy life......
Oh my love........you've left a girl with a broken heart..
Oh my love.......I'm bursting to tell you how much i miss you..
Oh my love..can you hear me? .......
or the long distance between us has deafened you..........
Lisas: Kiisu-Miisu1995 @ 2011-01-14 Hinne: 2

Day by Day :

Day by day our lives go on,
As lives usually do.
Yet, sometimes our lives seem to stop
Leaving us confused, scared.
Lives are tricky that way.

Day by day, our lives go on,
As lives usually do.
Yet, sometimes if we're lucky enough,
That special person will walk right in
At just the right time
And brighten it up a bit.
Lives are unpredictable that way.

Day by day, our lives go on,
As lives usually do.
Yet, sometimes in the middle of that
Ordinary life,
Love will bring you a fairy tale....Love Poems by Zaria.

I never thought i'd be the first to say goodbye
i never thought i'd be the one to make you cry

i didnt relise we'd have to part someday
i didnt relise i wouldnt be able to stay

i couldnt have know that my future was here
i couldnt have know that i'd feel such fear

i will always see you in my dreams
i will always remeber : nothing is as it seams

you will always be secure in my heart
no matter the distance that keeps us apart....Love Poems by Donna.
Day by Day, unhappy love
Lisas: Kiisu-Miisu1995 @ 2011-01-14 Hinne: 5

Broken Heart

Broke en H
eart Broken Heart Broken
Heart broken Hea rt Btoken Heart B
roken Heart Broken Heart Broken Heart
Broken Heart Broken Heart Broken Heart Br
oken heart Broken heart Broken heart Broken
Heart Broken Heart Broken Heart Broken Hear
t Broken Heart Broken Heart Broken Heart Bro
ken Heart Broken Heart Broken Heart BRoken
Heart Broken Heart Broken Heart Broken He
art Broken Heart Broken Heart Broken Hea
rt Broken Heart Broken Heart Broken He
eart Broken Heart Boken Heart Broken
Heart Broken Heart Broken Heart Br
oken Heart Broken Herart Broken
Heart Broken Heart Broken He
art Broken Heart Broken He
art Broken Heart Broken
Heart Broken Heart B
roken Heart Brok
en Heart Brok
en Heart
Broken HEart, Love
Lisas: Kiisu-Miisu1995 @ 2011-01-12 Hinne: 4


Dear to dream,
Dear to fly,
Drear to be the ever
chosen one to
toutch thev sky.
Love, Dear, Fly, Sky
Lisas: Kiisu-Miisu1995 @ 2011-01-12 Hinne: 4

Vaid ainus samm

Vaid ainus samm on armastusest mureni.
Vaid ainus hetk mis kumab kauguses.
Jah, tead ju küll, et armastus ei sure nii
vaid ikka ootab- sütti veel kord viiv.

See hetk ka tuleb möödanikust tagasi
ja korraks helklebki me üle viivuks siin.
Ning samas kaugeneb tunasesse edasi
ja oled jälle üksi-üksi nii.

Ja vahest loodadki ehk armu jumalalt.
Või hoopis tõreled sa kurjalt saatanaga,
et miks küll õnn ei leia sind su oma vaiba alt
ja õnnetus sind tihti ajab taga.

Sa püüad põgeneda selle eest kui hobu
kel jaksu eluks küllalt antud on.
Kuid armastus see maalitud kui tabu
me eluloole erinevalt on.
armastus, õnnetu
Lisas: Kiisu-Miisu1995 @ 2011-01-12 Hinne: 4

Leht: 1  2   Järgmine »
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