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Täna on pühapäev, 06.10.2024, kell on 20:24        Ajutiselt on sisselogimine peatatud
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Kallis , ma tahan sinuga olla ,
ma ei suuda ilma sinuta enam .
Ma tahan Sind tunda , näha ja olla sinuga ,
ma ei suuda elada ilma sinuta ,
ma tahan sinuga koos olla .
Ma mõtlen sulle igapäev .
Kallis , ma tahan sulle öelda:
''Ma armastan Sind , kallis'' .
sinu musi
Lisas: birgit12 @ 2012-03-23 Hinne: -

Pühendusega armsamale.

Sinust mõeldes möödub mu päev,
Ainus, keda ma siin maailmas veel sallin oled Sina!.
Anna andeks kui ma pole alati lähedal,
Ma võin sind küll sallida, kuid see ei tähenda, et ma sind asrmastan
kuid tea, et minu jaoks KÕIKE sa tähendad.
Sa keelasid mul ennast armastada ja ka sõbraks pidada. Sest sa teadsid, et see oleks mulle raske! Ainus mida võin teha on sind sallida! Sest nii ei pidavat ma haiget saama.
Lisas: ronja @ 2012-03-15 Hinne: 5

True Blue

Baby blue I totally miss you,call me and I´ll be there with you under the lover´s sky
Baby blue it´s all clear to me that I love you,your love will teach me to fly
Baby blue I tell you I need you like the roses need the rain and it´s absolutely true
Baby blue I´ll see you in my dreams,everything I´ll do,I´ll do it just for you
When your heart is crying for love and the world you knew just falls apart
When your heart is crying for love,forever and a day hold my heart
Hold my heart in your hand and my love has no end

Tell me is our love true blue,can it find a place behind the sun where it belongs
Tell me is our love true blue,can our two hearts ever beat as one

Tell me who will love you with devotion every day and night
Tell me who will hold you tight till the morning light

Baby blue I wanna hold you tight in my arms,my heart is burning for you like the sun
Baby blue thinking about you night and day,tell me there´s something going on
Baby blue I tried to call you to say that I really love you,my heart cries out for you
Baby blue you are always in my heart,but my weak heart is painted blue
When your heart is crying for love and the world you knew just falls apart
When your heart is crying for love,forever and a day hold my heart
Hold my heart in your hand and my love has no end
tunded, armastus
Lisas: modernT @ 2012-03-05 Hinne: -

See oli armastus...

Jäta sosin mu padjale,
jäta armastus mu kõrvale,
jäta oma viimne suudlus teisele,
kuid ära minu kõrvalt lahku sa.
Siiski ärkasin üksinduses,
vaikus oli õhus,
magamistoas ja mujal.

See oli armastus, mis möödas on nüüd,
See oli hea, kuid kuidagi kaotasin ta nüüd,
see oli armastus, mis möödas on nüüd
hetkest, mil puudutasime üksteist veel,
ajani, mil aeg otsa sai hetkest vaid.

Siiani usun, et koos oleme me,
oled peidus mu südames.
Veeks nüüd olen moondunud,
pisaraks Sinu peopesas.

See oli armastus, mis möödas on nüüd,
See oli kõik, mida soovisin vaid ma,
nüüd elan täielikult ilma sinuta.
See oli armastus, mis möödas on nüüd,
see, kus voolab vesi ja puhub tuul.
See, kus puhub tuul...

See oli armastus, mis möödas on nüüd,
See oli kõik, mida soovisin vaid ma,
See oli armastus, mis möödas on nüüd
see on see, kus voolab vesi ja puhub tuul,
see, kus puhub viimse armastuse tuul.
See, kus puhub tuul...

Autor: Ailar Kaljurand
armastus, naised
Lisas: masterx @ 2012-03-03 Hinne: 3.67

Anna andeks

Anna andeks, et armastan sind.
Anna andeks, et hoolin sinust.
Anna andeks, et sa oled mu elu.
Anna andeks et, mulle meelidvad su silmad.

Anna andeks, et ma olen sinu vastu nõme.
Anna andeks, et ma jooksen su eest ära .
Anna andeks, et tunnen hirmu.
Anna andeks, et mulle meeildib su hääl.
andestus, armastus, igatsus, hirm
Lisas: -abc- @ 2012-02-20 Hinne: 4.75


Tulen õhtul salamahti
Tulen õhtul salamahti,
jäta mulle aken lahti.
Et ma saaksin öelda sulle:
“Oled kõige kallim mulle”.
Lisas: --limpa-- @ 2012-02-20 Hinne: 5

I Got So Used To Loving You

I don´t call it love if there lies one bridge of heartaches every day between you and me
Take me to your heart and you´ll see that dreams are made of cherished memories
Yesterday I cried million tears for your love,because of you I found the reason to cry
And I thought that we´ll never part our ways this way under the lover´s sky
Why you were breaking up my heart,why did you play with fire
Into the shadows I´m lost in hopeless of my desire

But I got so used to loving you,got so used to loving you each day
Got used to be captured by your charms,love was here to stay
But I got so used to loving you,so used to having you around me
Got used to being in your arms but you were a mystery

I got so used to loving you each day,baby
I got so used to loving you each day,lady
I thought I knew where my heart belong
But tell me where did we go wrong

In a world of stone how can I find a new love when dreams are made of joy and tears
Nothing will ever be the same like back then,though I gave you all these years
Thoughts are drifting me back home,what happened to the love we thought we knew
But I´m tired of playing your heartbreak games but I can´t stop loving you
Look at the stars in the skies and tell me why do you set me free
Be forever by my side and you´re a woman behind me
tunded, armastus
Lisas: modernT @ 2012-02-20 Hinne: -



Armastus – sust räägitud on palju head,
kuid nüüd ma tean, see tunne,
tead, see polegi nii hea.
On vaid viha, raev ja piinav valu,
ja seda viimast rohkem, kui mu süda talub.

„Palun! Ma soovin Sind tagasi!“, ma mõtlen,
kuid siis ma jälle kõhklen:
„Kas on see seda väärt mis ihkan
või lihtsalt hetketuhin,
mis möödub kohe peale vihma.“

Mis üle jääb? Vist oodata, et vihmasadu raugeb
ja kuivaks mage pisar mu läbivettind´ laugel.
Ma kirjutan sul´ laulu –
just nimelt kirjutan, ei ma neid takte loo,
vaid kirja panen selle, mis valu hinge toob.

armastus, valu, raev, viha, muusika, laul
Lisas: raikor @ 2012-02-19 Hinne: 5

Lovers Live A Little Longer

One day I will find the silver wings of love to fly and I will fly to you
I would give up everything for you and I wish your love is true
It´s a question of time when you will realize that I´m the right guy
And there is something going on beyond the seventh sky
Shadows are creeping off the wall and I´m drying my lonely tears
You´re my greatest love of all and I´ll share all your fears
I´m quite sure that you´ll find the right way to love me

Lovers live a little longer it´s true,what a feeling can hold us tight
Lovers live a little longer,what a feeling we feel in the night
If we believe in true love and hope and we´ll never break apart

Lovers live a little longer it´s true,and what a feeling of paradise
Lovers live a little longer,what a feeling we can feel twice
If we believe in true love and hope and you´ll never break my heart

I imagine your love will find a way to my heart,but it´s just a fantasy
Why don´t we start the real thing right away between you and me
How many times came the time to say goodbye,why did our love end
Don´t tell me it´s a different story,but time will heal the pain
Girl,don´t give it up on our love,if your heart is missing a beat
And when your heart is lonely,then I got what you need
I´m quite sure that you´ll find the right way to love me
armastus, tunded
Lisas: modernT @ 2012-02-17 Hinne: -

I Live For Your Love

I remember when I saw you dancing there alone with the shadows in the moonlight
Sometimes you were so sentimental and you were so blue that same night
But I promised you that you´ll always get what you want from me
And then came the first lights of brandnew day and I saw you flirting with disaster
But no matter what you did or what you said,you made my heartbeat faster
And I told you:You can have my love for free
Day by day night by night you set my heaven on fire,it´s the fire of love
But hopeless of my burning desire and the times are getting tough
Take me to your heart again and my love has no end

I live for your love behind the rain,my heart is burning for you
I live for your love everywhere I go,I´m yearning for you
We are young,together we are strong and feeling love,lady

I live for your love behind the sun,my heart is burning for you
I live for your love behind the ocean,I´m yearning for you
We are young,together we are strong and realing love,lady

Your love gave me wings to fly even in the shadow nights between the hard frontiers
I knew nothing lasts forever,though I can see clear through pain and tears
But I told you once,I told you twice there´ll never be another you
I don´t care if the sun don´t shine if you´re not here with me under the lover´s sky
But I won´t let the blues get me down,though I´m longing for a new try
It´s raining in my heart,lying here with visions of blue
Day by day night by night you set my heaven on fire,it´s the fire of love
But hopeless of my burning desire and the times are getting tough
Take me to your heart again and my love has no end
tunded, armastus
Lisas: modernT @ 2012-02-17 Hinne: -

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