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Täna on esmaspäev, 10.03.2025, kell on 16:24        Ajutiselt on sisselogimine peatatud
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« Eelmine  Leht: 1  2  3  ...   7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  ...   20  21  22   Järgmine »

This is how my mother feels...

I'm standing here alone,
not picking up my phone.
I don't want to talk to anyone,
because you'll tear me down.
The wind plays with my hair,
I feel your scent in the air,
and i'm just fading slowly away.
This is my doomsday, today.

You didn't care about me,
don't tell me i can't see
through your lying eyes,
because there're so many ways,
to hurt me again.
There's nothing left to gain.

I'm standing here alone,
wishing you were gone
somewhere else far away,
where i can't see your face.
I know it wouldn't help,
i know, i can tell.
I see you everywhere,
because you weren't there
for me,

'cause i can see
through your lying eyes,
because there're so many ways,
to hurt me again.
There's nothing left to gain

I'm standing here alone,
there's nothing left to be done.
I take the last step on the rooftop,
I still feel like i'm being shot
in the back, in my head, through my heart.
it feels like a poisoning dart.
I'm flying through the air,
wind playing with my hair.

I heard you screaming my name,
but this isn't what i aim,
I want to see you cry for me.
But she's looking at you, isn't she?
You feel a sting of guilt
because of the wall you built
between our worlds.
That's not how you keep your words.

Now i'm falling down,
i see the whole town,
looking shocked and terrified.
I know i'm the sacrifice,
i know you'll forget,
but i know i won't ever do it.
I'm letting my body die,
because i'm dead inside,
and i want to let go of the pain,
i want my blood to rain
down on your face, on your body,
i will be somebody.

Soon i reach the ground,
there's no one left around,
everybody's walking on their road,
with a heart filled with cold.
I thank you, you wanted to mend
my heart, but you just gave up in the end.
I don't blame you, you just were a person,
who could've known that you were my son?
english, mother, son
Lisas: LizzieLike @ 2011-03-21 Hinne: 4.5


Ema kätes on hellust, seda ammugi tead.
Ema kätest saad leiba, sooja, muredat, head.
Sooja leiba, mis lõhnab nagu põld, nagu maa.
Ema kätest saad leiba alati saad.
Ema kätest on leival kõige magusam maik.
Ema lävel, elib laual lapse kasvamispaik.
hellus, soojus, ema, leib
Lisas: kerttu7 @ 2011-02-12 Hinne: 4.5

Vanemad !

Ema on su tugi,
ära väga palju küll pugi.
Isa on su kaitsja,
aga ta ei ole alati neitsi.
Nad on ju su vanemad nad hoolivad sinust ,
ja nad hoolivad väga palju ka minust !
vanemad, ema, isa
Lisas: caro1234 @ 2011-02-08 Hinne: 5


"Oi-oi-oi" karjub ema.
"Oi-oi-oi" hüüab isa.
Mina neile vastu kisan:
"Mis teil ometi on viga"

ema, isa, kisa, mina
Lisas: LAURTS39 @ 2011-02-04 Hinne: 3.8


tere ja eadaega
mull poe aega
Lisas: luletus666 @ 2010-12-27 Hinne: 3

mul ei meeldi hiina keell
mulle meldib oma emakee
Lisas: luletus666 @ 2010-12-27 Hinne: 2

miks sa:.....

ema miks sa huuili värvid.
isa miks sa magad iga päev.
vanaema miks nii vana.
vanaisa pahur iga päev.
Lisas: luletus666 @ 2010-12-27 Hinne: 3.5


Ema oled mulle kallis,
kingitusi sulle teen.
Pole kunagi sa sassis,
pole sa ka liiga peen.

Isagi sind kalliks peab,
luuletusi kirjutab.
Kingitusi ette seab,
töölt koju tulles tervitab.

Õde emast lahkuda,
ei suudaks mitte kunagi.
Vend naisega kohduda,
naine pole rumalgi.

Elu veereb edasi,
emast saab vanaema.
Elu ongi sedasi,
et vananed nagu tema.

ema, vanaema, sina, mina, vend, õde
Lisas: InterNeti @ 2010-12-21 Hinne: 4.67

Kui olin päris tilluke ma!

Kui olin päris tilluke ma
ja õppisin alles rääkima.
Kõigist sõnadest kõige varem
õppisin selgeks selle, mis kõige parem.
See oli ema – mu kullake, pai,
kelle nime ma selgeks sain!
ema, pai
Lisas: janelin @ 2010-12-14 Hinne: 4.2

Ema ja isa

Ema ja isa on mulle kallid,
kassas neil kolisevad kuldsed metallid.
Ema on see kes kaitseb,
ning isa on see kes paidseb.
ema, isa
Lisas: --annu-- @ 2010-11-30 Hinne: 3.5

« Eelmine  Leht: 1  2  3  ...   7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  ...   20  21  22   Järgmine »
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