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Täna on pühapäev, 06.10.2024, kell on 23:34        Ajutiselt on sisselogimine peatatud
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« Eelmine  Leht: 1  2  3  ...   70  71  72  73  74  75  76  77  78  ...   178  179  180   Järgmine »

Fighter For Your Love

I feel so sad in the rain,tell me when will I see you again
Just call me if you want me back and I´ll be your man
Cause my heart is yearning,burning just for you
Yesterday I knew you were the one right from the start
But each time you were breaking up my little heart
You were blind to see my heartbeat was true
I swear I love you forever,I love you forever and a day
And I pray that you find it in your heart someday

I´ll be the fighter for your love
And my heart is big enough
Enough for your paradise

I´ll be the fighter for your love
And feelings are just enough
For love in your eyes

We were hand in hand under the evening sky,just we two
And we were daytime friends but not nighttime fools
But you were so blind to see I fell in love with you
I know you were crying tears behind your painted smile
And I´m quite certain that our love won´t ever die
But it´s hard to tell you what I feel for you
If we give it one more try then everything turns out fine
Come back and stay with me,now it´s our time
tunded, armastus
Lisas: modernT @ 2012-06-18 Hinne: -

Tunded ja armastus

Elu on kuid ja päikest täis,
Mina rõõmsalt mööda teed käin
Leidsin sinu ja sina minu
see on arastuse kauneim ilu.

Ma imetlen sinu kauneid silmi,
Kuid hommikul märkasin taevas musti pilvi
Loodan vaid see oli silmapete,
mäletad seda kui ma hüppasin vette.

Olid olemas minu kõrval sa,
kui tundsin end pisut üksikuna.
Ma olen väga meelitatud sinust,
Sest oled väga,väga ilus.

Mõtlen sulle kui sulgen silmad,
olles sinust kaugel eemal
Ma soovin,et oleksid minu kõrval,
koos me kõnniks kas või maailma serval.

Aga ma tean meil koos oleks hea,
Muusikat sulle mängiks sõnu ritta ma seaks.
Vahest kui olen mõttes pisut eemal
Siis sina oled see kellest mõtlen igasugu teemal.

Aravatavasti varsti oleme koos
Ning võib panna punkti ka siin loos
Kes saaks aru kui keerulised on tunded,
Mõeldes inimesel me jääme ikka unne.

Oodates aega,see ei peatu,
pole olemas inimest kes oleks veatu.
Ootan sind ma tean,et tuled
1 kord kui silmad sulen.

Kui kord ma avan enda silmad
Siis tean vaid seda sa oled minu kõrval,
Ma ootan,et see poleks unes,
Selle pärast ma pisutki mures.
Elu, Päike, silmad, pilved, vesi, maailm, muusika, uni
Lisas: ArmastusonPeidus @ 2012-06-18 Hinne: -

kallis oled mulle

Ma karjun nii tihti..kus olid?mis teged? Sa vaatad mind nii õrnalt... Et süda ei tuksu...tööl..kus veel... Olen liiga armukade,miks?? Kas kardan et lahkud? Leiad kedagi veel?? Ma armastan sind kallis... Ja ütlen seda tuhandi kordi veel, Ja neelan alla armukadedust... Kõik solvanguid... Äkki armastad mind veel !!!!
kallis oled
Lisas: allabella @ 2012-06-11 Hinne: -



Kairi Eensoo
Lisas: --limpa-- @ 2012-06-11 Hinne: 5

Sina Mina meie

Sa aga kaunim kui ojaäär,sind ei leia ma oma luule reast,kuna sa mullle nii võõras veel.kuid tea ühte kui me siin veel suhtleme,ehk leian sind varsti oma laulikust kuuendalt lehelt,seitsmendalt realt parempoolselt servalt,kuigi mu sarved on joostud,jooksin ma sinuga sumedal suvisel kevad ööl ühe mõnusa maasikamusi,siis ma küsiks lõpuks su nime mu leedi,siis ehk kannataks ma veel paar minutit,siis jalad ma külma vette suruks,mu hambad lõgisevad sel imekaunil sumedal ööl,kurat see vesi on nii külm aga su embus toetab mind kui hulkuvat koera,ära naera see on tõsi mida ma tunnen nüüd,kaugelt kostub hüüd,ma piinlen siin kuirüütel,ma ei tea kas ma enam suudan,kuid surra siin sinu kätte embuses,su silmad mis lummavad mind sa lahkud minust kui jäine tuul —
Lisas: mees00 @ 2012-06-07 Hinne: -

Olny Love Can Break My Heart

You´re the olny one for me,I told you once,I told you twice
And it´s true my heart is big enough for your paradise
Girl,you mean all the world to me
The last time I saw you I saw the love right in your eyes
But in the end I realized you were telling me lies
My heart bleeds because of you

Olny love can break my heart
Olny love can break my heart

I´m crying,I´m dying since you were leaving me
I´ll be smiling,I´ll be trying if you will love me

You were the first and you were the last in my new world
But breaking up was just the hardest thing to do,girl
Girl,why our love was so blind
I told you once,I told you twice you´re the love of my life
When will you realize without you I can´t survive
The sun in my sky don´t shine
tunded, armastus, õnnetu armastus
Lisas: modernT @ 2012-06-02 Hinne: -

The Promise You Made

Under the moon of love,under the starry sky we were heart to heart
But I thought there must be a way we´ll try a devotion for a start
Came the time to say goodbye,it´s hurting me in this world of stone
By the time the night was over,crying tears on the telephone
Every hour of the day my emotions are like the hunters of the night
You were leaving me here with a broken heart,love has no pride
Every night I close my eyes and count to ten on a point of no return
My world begins and ends with you,love is a flame that´ll burn

Do you remember the promise you made
Do you remember the promise you made
Under the lover´s sky

If I gave you my love for a piece of your heart
If I gave you my heart then we try a start
Let´s give it one more try

Please tell me you´ll be there in my hour of need,you won´t turn away
Help me find the way out of dark I can find your love someday
One night I laid down my love and I thought oh why did I let you go
Nothing but a heartache you caused me but the time will show
Can´t you see I fell in love with you but you always broke my heart
Sometimes our love was so bizarre,maybe right from the start
Every night I close my eyes and my heart is crying,come back to me
My world begins and ends with you,just a bittersweet symphony
tunded, armastus, õnnetu armastus
Lisas: modernT @ 2012-05-30 Hinne: -

Sealed With A Kiss

It started with a love affair under the moon,it was love at first sight
How could I resist the way you smiled to me that same night
You and I were inseparable but then came the time to say goodbye
I remember every word you said under the lonely starry sky
Girl,I told you that I never broke your heart but you broke mine
But here I am all alone,the sun in my world won´t shine
I couldn´t hold on to your love,couldn´t hold on to my dreams

Our love was sealed with a kiss
Our love was sealed with a kiss

But then our love ended in tears
And it´s hard through the years

Do you remember what I said to you when we were in that old cafe
No one is like you but love is like a rainbow for just one day
But when I told you that I love you,it seemed to me you don´t care
You´re always on my mind,you´re always in my heart,I swear
One day I couldn´t help but notice a distant look in your blue eyes
It broke my heart everytime I saw in your eyes that you cried
I couldn´t hold on to your heart,couldn´t hold on to my dreams
tunded, armastus
Lisas: modernT @ 2012-05-30 Hinne: -

What Does It Take(To Win Your Love)

I´m dreaming,dreaming my love will find a way to your heart someday
But I know for sure that feelings are the hardest words to say
Can´t you see my heart is beating just for you
I´m feeling,feeling deep inside that I won´t ever feel this way again
I can´t love someone else but you but time will heal my pain
Can´t you see my heart is beating just for you
And I have enough arms for you,in my heart there´s love for two
I´ll promise you there´ll never be another you
Came the time to say goodbye,the last goodbye without a tear
But I had a feeling that love was truely here

Tell me what does it take
To win your love
Tell me what does it take
To win your heart

Tell me what does it take
To win your love
Tell me what does it take
To hold your heart

I´m dreaming,dreaming that someday you´ll see my love is a burning fire
And you pull the strings of all my emotions and fill my desire
Can´t you see my heart is yearning just for you
I´m feeling,feeling one day you´ll find me from the bottom of your heart
Then you´ll know there must be a way we can try a new start
Can´t you see my heart is burning just for you
I would say hold on tight to my love,I would say don´t ever let me go
And if you love me then please let me know
Sometimes love was out of reach,sometimes love was out of touch
Shadows of our love telling me so much
tunded, armastus
Lisas: modernT @ 2012-05-29 Hinne: -


Tüdruk, mõnikord armastus on nii pime, et näha, see on tõsi
Aga usun oma südames, nagu kõik armastavad teha
Puuduta mu südant, katsu mu hinge
Tüdruk, mõnikord armastus on nii nii nõrk ja ma tean,
Aga see kõik hajub aasta pärast või nii
Heal mu süda, ravib mu hinge
Me kõik elame rahutu maailmas, nii tundub mulle
Teil on võimalik salvestada oma elu, sa tead, mida tähendab

Ma olen kadunud te kui taevas on värvitud halliks
Kadunud sind igavesti ja päev
Ma olen kadunud te ja meri pisaraid minu silmis
Kadunud sa täna õhtul

Ma olen kadunud te, uskuge mind see on tõsi
Kadunud teile nägemused sinine
Ma olen kadunud te, ei ütle teile, peitub
Kadunud sa alla taevast

Tüdruk, armastus teeb haiget, kui see oli aeg hüvasti jätta
Aga sa tead see pole hilja uut proovida
Puuduta mu südant, katsu mu hinge
Tüdruk, nad ütlevad armastus on pime, nad ütlevad armastus on loll
Aga tean, et ma tahan oma armastust ja see on tõsi
Lappima mu süda, ravib mu hinge
Ma kardan, kurbuse ja karda üksindust
Sa tegid mulle sinine, ma olen oodanud tühjus
tunne, armastus
Lisas: tuvi @ 2012-05-29 Hinne: 3.67

« Eelmine  Leht: 1  2  3  ...   70  71  72  73  74  75  76  77  78  ...   178  179  180   Järgmine »
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