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Täna on laupäev, 15.03.2025, kell on 04:31        Ajutiselt on sisselogimine peatatud
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« Eelmine  Leht: 1  2  3  ...   22  23  24  25  26  27  28  29  30  ...   56  57  58   Järgmine »

Things of black and things of white,
like pieces on a chessboard.
We never can get things quite right,
we are not equal, you are my lord.

Without a cause, but with effect,
you toy with me each day.
For a reason I can't detect,
It has to be this way.

The day I tire and I shall flee,
for you have wore me out.
That'll be the last you'll see of me,
and you'll be regret, I have no doupt.

Until that day, I'll be your slave,
submit to your cruel will.
But unless you change your ways,
you'll soon have broke my will.
Lisas: Hing @ 2012-10-13 Hinne: 3

Ma nii õnnetu ,et sind iial endale ei saa ,
et sind iial suudelda , kirglikult ei või .
Et sind iial omada ei saa ,
kurb , neid asju ma teha ei või .

Mõistan , et oled vaba lind ,
kuid mõista , " Ma armastan Sind " ,
mullegi ei ole see kerge ,
pigem hullupööra raske .

Raske nagu kang , mida tõsta üles ,
raske nagu süda , mis ripub mul süles .
Raske nagu päike , mis kõrvetaks maa ,
raske nagu leek , mis põletab mind taas . "

armastan, leek, süda
Lisas: Merilyn @ 2012-10-10 Hinne: 5

If I Tell You Now About My Feelings

Cry me a river of tears in the middle of that night
But leaving me is just easier to do
I won´t break your heart,but I´m nobody´s child
Here I am with visions of blue
I remember that day when you caught my eye
My heart was beating so strong
But I let you go before we even give it a try
And now I´m so alone

If I tell you now about my feelings
You´d still break my heart
If I tell you now about my feelings
You´d still tear apart

If I tell you now about my feelings
You´d still break my heart
If I tell you now about my feelings
You´d still tear apart

I miss you so as I watch all the stars in the sky
Remembering every word you said to me
Call me and I´ll be there whenever you will cry
Your love was more than a fantasy
I remember that day when you caught my eye
My heart was beating so strong
But I let you go before we even give it a try
And now I´m so alone
tunded, armastus, õnnetu armastus
Lisas: modernT @ 2012-10-09 Hinne: 1

Olny Time Will Tell

Just we two in the middle of the night,we were like ice and fire
I cried my heart out,why I let you go when you were my desire
Girl,you always made me feel so brandnew
Under the lover´s sky where our two hearts were beating as one
And where our two hearts collided in the twilight zone
Every song of love remind me of you
Call me and I´ll be there and our love will start a new flame
Don´t say goodbye this time,I don´t wanna lose you again
I want you back,I want your heart
I want your soul and your love

When will you see that you´re always in my heart
Olny time will tell
When will you see that I wanna try a new start
Olny time will tell

When will you see that I love you so
Olny time will tell
When will you see that I need you so
Olny time will tell

When the sky was crying like a child,I was just like a broken toy
But you won´t see me cry tears of love in this desert of joy
Tell me is our love too good to be true
How can I explain what I feel,if I can´t find the words to say
But it´s plain to see my feelings grow stronger every day
I would give my love and heaven too
And I´ll promise you every day I´ll give you everything I own
My love is so deep inside,without you I won´t be strong
I want you back,I want your heart
I want your soul and your love
tunded, armastus, õnnetu armastus
Lisas: modernT @ 2012-10-02 Hinne: 1

Hello And Then Goodbye

Will you tell me the reason why you won´t be mine
But I feel that you´re needing me
Tell me right here now did I ever cross your mind
I won´t be too blind to see
But how could I lose something what I never had
I don´t know where my heart belongs
But more I find about you,it´s more than a drag
When all the feelings are gone

It feels like hello and then goodbye
Leaving it all behind and you cry
But I miss you,I miss you

It feels like hello and then goodbye
Leaving it all behind with no try
But I love you,I love you

Will you tell me everything about you by tomorrow
But our love is missing a new flame
Tell me right now you will chase away my sorrow
But in my lonely heart it rains
I´m too proud to beg,I´m too real to live a lie
But I know my heart is so weak
Tomorrow I´ll be alone again,tears in my eyes
With my smile so bittersweet
tunded, armastus, õnnetu armastus
Lisas: modernT @ 2012-10-02 Hinne: 1

Angel Eyes(Come Back And Stay With Me)

I told you once,I told you twice that I love you on that warm September day
Sometimes it was plain to see then it was hard to understand
But we ended up with a broken heart,love came and then love faded away
Then I realized that love we almost had was all over again
It´s so hard to ignore the pain that you caused with the last goodbye
But I try endlessly to hide the pain in my blue heart away
When we said goodbye,my tears ran endlessly under the blue sky
It seems to me that love will hurt me forever and a day
And I´m not strong enough to carry on with the pain
But I can´t ignore it´s over between you and me
And I´m not strong enough to feel the blues again
Girl,set my heart free

Angel eyes,angel eyes,come back and stay with me
And I´ll promise you every day an eternity
Angel eyes,angel eyes,don´t leave me in misery
And I´ll promise you´re my destiny

Angel eyes,angel eyes,come back and stay with me
Day in day out I promise you´re my destiny
Angel eyes,angel eyes,tell me you´ll hold on to me
And I´ll promise you my heart for free

One night Summer breeze reminded me when I watched the evening skies
It reminded me what we had back then was just like a dream
And it still reminds me when love was wild and free,we gave it a few tries
But I know our love was just like tragic love movie scene
Last night I stood by the old old oak tree,crying in the September rain
But I realize that our love was meant to be just a sacrifice
Walking down the road at night,tears of love in my sad eyes again
And it seems all the pain is tearing away my paradise
I told you once,I told you twice our love tells a story
But it seems to me now it´s time for me to go
Then I told you I love you,you said don´t worry
Please say it isn´t so
tunded, armastus, õnnetu armastus
Lisas: modernT @ 2012-09-29 Hinne: 1


Tuulekohin ning vaikne meri,
ma igatsen sind.
Virmalised taevas ja palju veelgi
Sind ma näha tahaks,
Punetav päike, ka kuu on veel väike
siis lausun ma tasa.....
mõeldes koguaeg sinule, mu päike
need read, mis rasked väiksed
ma armastan sind!

Teed viivad nüüd meil lahku,
pean lahkuma , sind suudlen veel.
Oh küll on palavad su huuled,
Miks pean minema, tahan olla veel
Mõne aasta või rohkem, ainult sinuga

Nüüd olen üksi, jalutan metsas.
Kuulen, tuttav tuulekohin ja meri,
see loksub tasa ning loojumas päike
punetav, kuid pole üldse kuri,
Pigem nukker ja tunne nutune,
olen metsas , tunne kodune.....
Lisas: masterAivars @ 2012-09-25 Hinne: -

Fuck you babe!

Meenub mulle see kaunis aeg,
mil tundsin vajadust sind kaitsta,
mil tahtsin sind ma armastada.
See oli ammu , liiga ammu

Minus keema läinud on raev,
just nagu luhta läinud vaev
ma mõtlen, liigun, kuid ei
ei mõtle enam sinust,

Leidnud olen uue raja, just
nüüd sind enda kõrval vajan,
kuhu viib mind see tallamatta tee?
Kas ma näen sind kunagi veel ?

See vaev, see raev, on minu viga,
minu tegemata töö, ütlemata sõnad.
Olin siis ma nõrk, mis muud on häda
ma olen vaba ning leidmas oma rada
Lisas: masterAivars @ 2012-09-25 Hinne: 1

i dont know!

Another day, another pain!
Do i care, impossible!
I don't care, I am impossible!
So, get out of my way!

Soon you'll die, i'll be on my way,
my path takes me to hell.
Nothing can stop me from
going into the fucking prison!

One month has passed.
I'm still here, still alive?
But why cant I just die ?
Must i really go away - leave?

I know now i fucked the system,
i even fuck myself - or was it you
who i happened to screw?
what ever FUCK YOU
Lisas: masterAivars @ 2012-09-25 Hinne: 1

Kas ma ?

Kas ma helistasin sulle enne ?
Teadsin, et just see peab olema ,
kui sa ei vastanud mu kõnele.
Minu närvid on läbi ja ma põgenen

Killud on maas ning käsi katki,
ma tegin jälle vea, nüüd äkki
oled sa minu kõrval, kurat võtku!
Ei !Ei ma tahan pista putku..

kätte jõudmas juba hommik,
ma näen päikest tõusmas, lollid!
Kahju , et just mina see,
kel kahjuks nii nutune on tee!

Olen ikkagi veel pohhuist,
ma olen süüdimatu objekt?
no palun laske siis mind maha!
saab rahu kui minust on vaid järgi vereplekk.......
Lisas: masterAivars @ 2012-09-25 Hinne: 1

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